Wednesday, October 31, 2018 by Amy

Happy Halloween! 🎃

I can't believe it's already Halloween! Spencer and I decided to dress up last minute and as a result got our costume idea from google and all the supplies at Daiso (the Japanese dollar store)! We decided Spencer would dress up as a lighting bolt, and I would dress up as person who was struck by lighting! It ended up being a really easy and fun costume! We got a cheap t-shirt for me and burned holes in it and made a big lightning bolt for Spencer to wear on his chest! Then we did my hair all crazy and frizzy and tore up one of our cheap-o umbrellas for me to carry around! It was a success! We went to our branch Halloween party and enjoyed some yummy chili and dessert! The youth put on carnival type games for the primary kids which was fun! Then we went trick or treating with the Nites! We went with Kainoa and Misako and their two youngest kids! We had so much fun! Little Evie wanted to take Spencer up to every door with her which was cute! After we went trick or treating we went through the haunted house at the embassy housing! It was pretty decent but the line was so long and it was freeeezing outside! We were happy to be heading home back to where it was warm! 

On Halloween we went to Spencer's agency to visit James and Irene. They got us some Halloween cupcakes which were actually pretty yummy!

After the agency, we went over to the Simons! We made mom's famous sugar cookies (star shaped because we couldn't find any other cookie cutters!) and then decorated them, had pizza for dinner, and then watched "The Nightmare Before Christmas"! Spencer really likes that movie and so does Diamond. He kept making funny comments and jokes the whole time! I may or may not have fallen asleep for a second there so I missed part of the story line. In my defense, I was trying REALLY hard not to fall asleep haha.

The cookies turned out so great! They were yummy and soft and had some awesome decorations! We had some spider webs, some ghosts, some pumpkins, and even a bat! It was a really fun evening!