Saturday, September 15, 2018 by Unknown

We Beat Wisconsin!!

We woke up at 4:30 to watch BYU beat Wisconsin! What a time to be alive! We went over to the Simons' the night before and had a sleepover so that we could wake up super early to watch the game! 100% worth it! Everyone thought that BYU was going to lose, except for Amy. She called it since like Monday! She kept saying how she actually thought that we were going to win! No one believed her, until we did! We really like watching the games with Brian and Diamond, and sometimes Giselle. It seems that waffles and football is going to be kind of a tradition this season!

Monday, September 3, 2018 by Amy

Labor Day!

On Labor Day we went to Seoul Forrest with the Simons! We had so much fun! We got to see some cute little bunnies so after that Spencer was sold. We also fed some deer and got to pet them a little. We sat down under a little pavilion for some snacks when out of nowhere it started pouring rain! We were next to a park that had a big metal slide. It had two drops separated by a small flat section. The slide was probably about 25 feet long and with rain making it wet it became an exciting attraction! We all took turns going down. By the time we made it to the second drop we were flying! There was a huge puddle of water we were all trying to avoid at the bottom of the slide so the landing was a bit sketchy! Let's just say, I think Spencer and Florence were the only ones who didn't fall at least once on the landing! Since it was pouring rain I don't have any pictures. Jessica got some videos so maybe I can get those from her and upload them later!


Sunday, September 2, 2018 by Unknown

Football and Waffles!

BYU Football season has begun! We are lucky enough to have found some fellow fans in the Simons! Brian is a bigger fan than Amy, and Diamond loves it too! The girls, well, we don't really know what they think... But after waiting forever it seems, we got to see the first game of the season!

We bolted home from church to get to the Simons' house! In Brian's words, "The van is leaving five minutes after church is over. Amy, Diamond, Spencer and I at least will be driving home. I don't know about the rest of you!" Jessica was the one we were worried about, always having Relief Society sisters to talk to. Despite all the rush, we still weren't able to make it for kickoff... This is probably going to be a thing this year. With 9am church, and the 15 hour time difference, it is going to be hard to have a game that we will be able to watch live from start to finish... But it is ok!

We had so much fun watching BYU beat Arizona 30-3 in a great opening game! It really makes us excited and hopeful for this season! But we are most excited that we have people to watch it with!! And, Brian made some of the best waffles during half-time! They do waffles the right way! Big waffles with peanut butter, nutella, bananas, ice cream, and syrup! They were so delicious! A great complement to the win!

Later in the evening we went to the Nite's for dinner! They invited us over the week before, but we were in Hong Kong, so we weren't able to go. They have the cutest family! He is Hawaiian and she is Japanese, so they have the cuuuuuutest little half-Japanese babies! They are adorable. I was obviously in heaven, being able to speak Japanese with some cute little kids! We had just a nice evening with some great Hawaiian food! A perfect ending to a great day!